
Notes on Matthew 3.1-12  Second Sunday in Advent   8 December 2013

There are at least three important things in this passage.

1.    John’s ministry: John the Baptist says that he is preparing the way for the Lord.  He is doing what the famous passage in Isaiah 40 said would happen.  He is dressed like Elijah (2 Kings 1.8). This is significant because the Old Testament said that Elijah would come before the great day of the Lord (Malachi 4.5).  John is preparing God’s people for the coming of the Lord. He does this by calling them to repentance. This is the same message that Jesus preached (Matthew 4.17).

2.  The leaders of Israel are warned: Some of the Pharisees and Sadducees came to listen to John.  John is not impressed. He gives them two warnings. They also must repent. And they must show they have repented by behaving differently.  The second warning is that they must not rely on the fact that they are descendants of Abraham. They have to behave like descendants of Abraham John gives them a strong warning of coming judgement.

3. He tells about the ministry of Jesus: John is baptising people who repent with water. Jesus will baptise with the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament made two big promises about the Holy Spirit. One set of promises said that God would send a leader who was filled with the Holy Spirit. Another set of promises said that the Holy Spirit would be poured out on all God’s people.  Jesus comes as the one who is filled with the Spirit. He is also the one who will baptise all of God’s people with the Holy Spirit.  Jesus will also bring the fire of judgement.  He will clean up God’s people, and get rid of all that is bad.

The meaning for us seems clear: make sure we have repented. That we serve the Lord Jesus with the Holy Spirit he has given us. That we show by our lives that we have repented.
