
Go back into the Bible stories and we see that Joseph, Moses and Daniel are examples of people raised up by God. Daniel makes it clear that what is being shown is that “the Most High God is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and sets over them anyone he wishes.” (Dan 5.21).  And it is to that end we should pray.

Another question that is being asked of South Africa is whether Nelson Mandela’s inheritance will be wasted. These are questions we can ask also of our church.

Carrying on after the exciting stages can seem much harder than the struggle to gain the ground in the first place. The gospel this week is about the exciting times of Jesus and John the Baptist. And even though we are in a much better position than ever John was, it can seem as though we are just waiting around. Making little progress.

What is needed? A conviction that the Most High God is sovereign over all of his churches. And action to show it. And the patience and persistence not to give up.
