This year Back to Church Sunday is September 12 and Christ the King is taking part.

Today you will receive a Prayer Card, to encourage you to pray for friends that you think may be ready  for an invitation to church.  You will also receive an Invitation Card, which you can use to invite friends. More are available.

This will be a useful development of some of the things we learnt on the Welcome Course, and an excellent opportunity to invite friends who may be ready to try church again or for the first time.


BTCS Prayer

We thank you Lord that you created us and loved us more than we can ever know.

Without you our lives would be lost, but through Jesus you have given us all things richly to enjoy – the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of life eternal.

We pray that we and our church family will be bold in inviting our friends to Back to Church Sunday.

We also pray that all who come to church on that day, will be warmly welcomed and blessed with a desire to know you more.

May this Back to Church Sunday be a day of celebration of your love for all people, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen