
Notes on Luke 17.1-10   October 6

The first two parts of this story make very great demands on disciples.

17.1-2: Don’t act in a way that causes other people to sin. Jesus thinks each disciple has a responsibility for the others. Our thoughts and actions affect other people. “These little ones” does not only mean children. It means all of the disciples, especially those who are learning from you. Jesus thinks it is a very bad thing if we cause others to sin. The consequences are very bad.

17.3-4: What should a disciple do if someone does sin?  Jesus is probably talking about sins done against each other. First of all rebuke them. Challenge their behaviour and the thinking that goes with it. Urge them to return to the way of the Lord. Second, when they repent, forgive them. How many times? Seven times. This means every time. There is no limit to forgiveness.

Both these instructions are extreme. Jesus sets very high standards for disciples.

17.5-6: It is not surprising that the apostles ask Jesus to increase their faith. Jesus’ answer tells them how to increase their faith: it is by exercising it. Just do what he says and their faith will get stronger. The more they live in a way that doesn’t cause people to sin, the stronger will be their faith. The more they forgive the better they will be at forgiving.

17.7-10: This story is also about faith. Faith means doing what you are told to do. It is about being faithful. The person who keeps on doing what the Master has told them to do will become strong in faith. The disciple who is strong in faith is the disciple who obeys and is faithful to the Lord. They know they are servants, and they serve faithfully.

