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Multi-Site churches and church planting resources
New Thing: Our Mission is to be a catalyst for a movement of reproducing churches relentlessly dedicated to helping people find their way back to God.
Ed Stetzer: the LifeWay Research Blog
LifeWay Reasearch
Geoff Surratt: Inner Revolution
Anglican Church Planting Initiatives
ACPI exists to “Serve tomorrow’s churches today” by encouraging and assisting the planting of healthy, missionary-minded churches. This includes all sorts of emerging church, alternative worship communities and fresh expressions of church. Lots of ideas and resources.
- Free weekly Worship Images based on the lectionary
- Free Images for the Sermon of the Week
- Free Images sets for liturgy
- Free images for contemporary issues w/notes
The Text This Week: Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources
a virtual study desk for students, teachers and preachers. Click on a date to find direct links to a
wide variety of contemporary and historical resources for study & liturgy for each lectionary week and pericope,
or check out the Scripture Index to locate links to study resources
relating to specific passages. Artwork indexed by Biblical theme can be found in the Art Concordance. And check out the Movie Concordance for lists of movies indexed by spiritual theme.
Small Church Music: Music Resources for Smaller churches
Music Resources for congregational and small group singing. Audio MP3 files, midi files, PDF scores and lyrics available. A variety of music styles & instruments - mainly Pipe Organ or Piano. Public Domain music can be downloaded freely. Copyright music requires a small copyright fee.
Resources for the creative church. Software, multimedia, song tracks, mini movies and more...
This site hopes to be the comprehensive source of information about the extensive tradition of English-language hymnody.
For the most part, texts and tunes on this site are in the public domain, which usually means (in the U.S.) written before 1923. Accompanying the text of each hymn you will find information about the author of the text, its meter and various settings of music for each text. Also, MIDI files have been provided for many of the texts. This site is meant as a companion to the hymnals of the Anglican Communion and does not yet provide musical notation for the hymns.
HymnSite.com is your online source for Free Hymn Texts, Tunes, and Sheet Music; Lectionary and Psalter Resources; Audio and Data CDs; Free Downloads
featuring over 10,000 Christian hymns, Author Bios, Composer Biographies, Hymn Histories and Gospel songs from many denominations. You’ll find lyrics, scores, MIDI files, pictures, history, & more.
Christian Vision for Men (CVM:
We are a movement, not an organisation. We are catalysts for anemerging band of brothers across the UK who want to see the nation wonfor Jesus. We are the back up team for a passionate, energetic bunchof Jesus' followers who are focussed on introducing men in the UK toJesus and then getting them gripped and excited by their faith andequipped to live the adventure.
In everything we do, we have the local church in mind and many of theteam have years of local church leadership experience. We havespecialists in areas as diverse as the work place, Asian culture and"working class" culture.
Do you have a problem with a lack of men in your church? Get intouch...we are stacked full of resources, ideas and contacts, as wellas having an extensive knowledge of the best curry houses in the UK.
The aim of “Table-Talk” is to provide a safe place for people to begin to have conversations about the important questions in life.
Some churches find it helpful to keep tabs on attendance. There are some tips and an example on the Lichfield Diocese TopTips site - look under the Closing the Back Door section.
Started in 1990, mainly music is a fun music group for parents or primary care givers to enjoy together with their young child. Throughout the morning, children develop gross and fine motor skills, language, imagination, mathematical and pre-reading skills as well as socialize with others. Each mainly music is associated with and is run by volunteers from a local church. Children are introduced to music, creativity and more, plus families given a chance to think about the God-part of life. Amazing to think that all this can be achieved in a loving, shared family environment.
Holy Trinity Brompton Leadership Conference
Downloadable MP3 audio of the talks at the conference.
Fresh expressions in church history?
Can we find fresh expressions in church history? Dr Philip Harrold, Associate Professor of History at Trinity School for Ministry, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has kindly kicked off this section on fresh expressions in church history.
Stopping the decline of men in church
An interesting online web tool to help think about why men don't come or stay. From Christian Vision for Men in the UK.
Church Change
Information, resources and news for small churches pursuing revitalization. Some stimulating and maybe controversial articles here.
Internet Evangelism Day (April 25)
A resource for churches, Bible Colleges, groups and individuals because …
... over 1 billion people use the Web
... the Internet is changing the world
... God is using the Web to transform lives
... “We’d love to use the Web for outreach, but we don’t know how”
The site has a section on Church Sites including a free evaluation tool
Divine Inspiration
from the Diocese of Coventry gives ideas for church buildings to be regularly open for anyone – of any faith or none – for heritage, for education, for use by the wider community and for pure enjoyment of the peace and the power of place that our churches and churchyards offer.
T h r o u g h t h e K e y h o l e: Church in Community
Research study on the value of church in community. Based on the views of the ‘unchurched’
BBC Christianity Survey
New Years Resolutions for the local church
Some ideas relating to the Perth Mission Plan that may be helpful to keep churches alive and growing
Doing Church Differently
To help Australians rethink their approaches, the Anglican Church produced the brochure, Time to Grow: Doing Church Differently. A sample is available online.
Fresh Expressions Conference 2009 Presentations
Fresh Expressions Australia
Fresh Expressions UK
Church Army Research Unit
Lichfield Diocese: Local Mission and Evangelism
Purpose Driven
National Church Life Survey
Evangelism Ministries Sydney
Ministry Health
contains hundreds of in-depth articles to help support pastors and church professionals toward healthier ministries. Pastoral health, congregational health, organizational anxiety, conflict, crisis support and Christian spirituality are just some of the topics addressed from a balance, evangelical Christian perspective.
Written by real church leaders in real churches ... practitioners, not academics for practical, hands-on, relevant ideas you can really use in your church context.
The Resurgence
The Resurgence is a movement that resources multiple generations to live for Jesus so that they can effectively reach their cities with the Gospel by staying culturally accessible and Biblically faithful.
Leadership Network
fosters church innovation and growth through strategies, programs, tools and resources consistent with our far-reaching mission: to identify, connect and help high-capacity Christian leaders multiply their impact.
How to develop and sustain small groups in your church
Re-working Home Groups
Mission Action Planning - YouTube story
Explaining the Christian Faith
Now a Christian
The Church Army (UK) provides a free email every day for five weeks that will help you to make your own decisions about the difference that having a Christian faith will make to your life.
The News report is here.
The Course itself is here.
Christianity .net
Centre for Apologetic Scholarship and Education.
Christianity Explored
Two Ways to Live
is an online resource and a free mobile Bible application with over 5 million users. It allows people to read the Bible (a variety of versions) online by a variety of methods, keep their own journal and interact with other users - and more.
Launched by the team that brought you the hugely successful and award winning, Son newspaper, Sorted is a good, wholesome alternative for blokes.
The magazine looks at success, faith, finance, fitness, passion and purity, motoring, movies, tons of football and other sports, good books, DVD's, addictions, accountability, mentoring and encouraging each other. Enough? Not quite, because we also have a Gadgets expert and a motoring correspondent as well as a '60 Second Life Coach' and a 'Sex Doc'. We'd love to see men helping men.
Recent Changes in Christian Approaches to Islam:
An article by Dr Patrick Sookhdeo of the Barnabas Fund.
Church Website Guide
This site has a variety of articles analysing and commenting on website design and ways to make churhc websites more effective
Sermons and Websites
The Number One most important single website feature according to Users Surveyed: Sermons. Read the article from Christian Computing magazine
Sermon Cloud
How to upload and syndicate your sermons - and listen to many others
T h r o u g h t h e K e y h o l e: Church in Community
Research study on the value of church in community. Based on the views of the ‘unchurched’
BBC Christianity Survey
Christians in the Media Resources - the home of Introducing God!
The Centre for Public Christianity (CPX)
is an independent research and media organization seeking to promote the public understanding of the Christian faith in Australia and beyond employing the best of scholarship via the best of media. Established by Dr John Dickson and Dr Greg Clarke.
helps you explore the message behind the media. We have hundreds of articles, study guides and video podcasts reflecting on films, books, music, television and more.
Guiding Trends Research
Imagebank is one of the leading ways of sharing and finding images for use in worship, talks and events.
is a Christian organisation that assists you to bring children and their families to know and love Jesus.
Our slogan is ‘Kids Knowing Jesus’.
Kidzlink can provide vision, resources, training, itinerant evangelism and pastoral support to you or your organization. Kidzlink resources and trains people for outreach through pre-school ministries such as playgroup plus and school age ministries like after school clubs.
Youth Surge
Rethinking, Remodeling & Resourcing youth ministry in the local church
Anglican Youth Works