Holy Spirit, Gospel, Evangelism
Holy Spirit, Gospel, Evangelism
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- Hits: 2353
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Elijah and Us: agents in God's great plan. 1 Kings 17
Sermon preached at Christ the King Canning Vale WA on 8 November 2009
Bible reading: 1 Kings 17
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- Hits: 1913
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The Holy Spirit in Us
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 12 September 2010
Bible Readings: Ezekiel 11.16-21; Rom 8.9-11; John 14.21-27
John 14 and How the Holy Spirit is the replacement mentor for Jesus' apprentices who live supernatural lives in a non-supernatural world
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- Hits: 1965
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Gifts for Ministry
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 19 Sep 2010
Bible readings: Isaiah 61.1-3; 1 Cor 12.1-11; Luke 10.1-16
Members of Christ's body given gifts to help build the body in love 1 Cor 12-14
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- Hits: 2199
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Being Filled with the Spirit
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 3 October 2010
Bible Readings: Joel 2.23-29; Acts 4.23-31; John 7.37-44
Filling with the Spirit in Ephesians and Luke Acts. How the Spirit helps us speak for Jesus
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- Hits: 1955
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The Apostles' Message
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on Sunday 10 October 2010
Bible readings: Jeremiah 31.31-34; 2 Cor 4.1-6; John 15.26 - 16.11
The gospel message is: Jesus Christ is Lord through whom God reconciled the world to himself
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- Hits: 1930
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Sharing the Message
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 24 October 2010
Bible Readings: Isaiah 59.15-21; Colossians 1.24 - 2.5; Luke 10.1-12
About praying that God wou{podcast id=134}ld stretch out his hand to do powerful works and give us boldness to speak his message
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- Hits: 1980
{podcast id=133}
Why not choose your own religion?
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 31 October 2010
Bible readings: Joshua 24.1-28; 1 Thessalonians 1.1-10; John 3.1-21
Christianity and other religions including Q and A
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- Hits: 1992
{podcast id=132}
What's God doing about all these tragedies?
Suffering, evil, and God's help in our suffering
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on Sunday 14 November 2010
Bible Readings: Job 13.13-28; Psalm 90; 2 Corinthians 1.3-11; Luke 13.1-5
Bible passages referred to in the sermon:
A world outside of Eden: Genesis 3; Romans 8.18-25
Warnings from God: Luke 13.1-5; Rom 1.18-32; 1 Cor 10.1-13; 11.27-32; Rev 2.21; 9.20; 16.9,11
The suffering of others: Jam 1.27; Phil 1.19; Exod 22.21
The poor and oppressed: Psalm 82.3-4
No more death: Rev 7.17; 21.4
The love of Christ: Romans 8.31-39
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- Hits: 3042
{podcast id=148}
Adapt for the Gospel 1 Cor 9.19-23
Sermon preached at Christ the King on 5 February 2012
Bible Readings: 1 Corinthians 9.16-23
How Paul did, and we can, adapt our behaviour for the sake of winning others for Christ
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- Hits: 2497
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The Mission at Willetton and Canning Vale
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 25 March 2012
Aspects of the vision and mission at Canning Vale, and Willetton, Dale's ministry in different places, what to do now.
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- Hits: 2497
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God's Great Plan Colossians 1.15-30
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 26 May 2013
The great plan with Christ at the centre and finish, and the great reconciliation we are part of
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- Hits: 2912
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Making Disciples
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 16 June 2013
Bible Readings: Zechariah 8.20-23, Romans 10.6-15, Luke 24.44-49
How God brings people to those who know him and what his people should say.
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- Hits: 2014
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The Fellowship of the Spirit
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on Pentecost Sunday 2014
Bible Readings: Acts 4.23-31; 20.22-24; 21.4,10-11; Philippians 1.5,27; 2.1-5; 2 Cor 8.4; 9.13
What is the relation between Pentecost and the modern church and how can the NT help the modern church follow the Spirit?
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- Hits: 1357
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The Power of the Spirit
Sermon preached at St Mark's Bassendean on 20 May 2018
Bible Readings: Acts 2.1-21; Psalm 104.27-35; Rom 8.9-17; Jn 15.26 – 16.11
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- Hits: 352
Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Pentecost Sunday, May 28, 2023
Bible Readings: Acts 2.1-36
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- Hits: 392
Trinity: Knowing God Galatians 3-4
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Trinity Sunday, June 4, 2023
Bible Readings: Romans 8; Galatians 3-4