Perhaps the “new wine” was really a new  way of living. Something longed for from Old Testament times (see Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 36 for example). The kind of way argued for so strongly by Paul in Galatians.

Many have realised this and have attempted to reinvigorate the church with what they see as the true intention of Jesus. One of the struggles the church keeps on going through is the attempt to put new patches on old garments, or to put new wine into old wineskins. Tears, splits and waste usually result.

Some would say, just let the old wine mature. Indeed. There is something beautiful and powerful about a church that has matured as the new wine that Jesus brought. But old wine is not  always mature, sometimes it is just bitter and acidic. Or bland and flat.

Is the problem with the wine or the skin? Is it the garment that has the problem or is it the patch that is out of place?  The church has been afraid of new skins so consistently that it is nearly impossible to think about it. But more and more churches are trying.

But it is the wine, not the skin, that you drink. It is a great mistake to think that old wine in new wineskins will taste better. Changing the skin may look and feel better, but it is the new wine that we need.

What wine is that? And is it maturing in your life? Are you (and we as a church) becoming deeper and richer and stronger with the life of the Spirit of Jesus?

