Didn’t stay dead. Was raised from death. Death was dead. He was the victor. A victory that rescued Adam’s people from the death that Adam brought on us all. Well, we followed Adam and brought death on ourselves as well – no excuses here. Christ’s people are free not just from being dead but form death as judgment.

Now King Jesus is King in power. Before he was king in weakness. Now he is splendidly glorious. But glorious in a slain kind of way. That’s where his glory is seen – in his death. But so gloriously powerful that he has sent God’s Spirit to his people. So they can live for him – as slain Lamb people.

That’s what they talk about. King Jesus.  Lord of all. Our Lord, our King. Exclusive? Ours only? No way. The gospel we have is for all the earth. For every person. But mostly for Jesus. It announces his glory. It declares his worth. It shows his power. It proclaims his majesty.

Hearing this good news makes you want to worship him, serve him, become his slave. Makes you want to trust yourself to him, to join him. Makes you ashamed of ever having turned your back on him, or thought you could get on without him. Unless of course a person was too proud, or independent, or had delusions of being their own lord.

