
EM Bounds said, ’Men are looking for better methods, but God is looking for better men.’ Once a church excludes vital prayer from its life, the bell has tolled out its first note, warning the world, “This church is dead.”


I believe with all my heart and soul that direct evangelism must be put at the forefront of the life of the Church.


The hate and bitterness between classes and nations must be purged out by the grace of God. If anything less than this is preached then the cause of Christ will be betrayed and people will be deluded. It is my firm conviction that the greatest contribution which the Church of Jesus Christ can make to the formation of a new world order, ... is to proclaim, boldly and uncompromisingly, the whole Gospel of God’s grace through Jesus Christ, as the Apostolic Church did.


Why are so few making any impact on the unconverted world outside the Church? It seems certain that this is not what Christ meant when he said, ‘Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel.’ It can be affirmed without hesitation that, if the Church in Jerusalem had been content to minister only to the first disciples and their families, as so many local churches are doing today, and had not reached out  with passionate earnestness to convert the outside world, the Christian religion would have died out in fifty years or less.

