
He becomes the father of believers in two ways. Those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus are adopted by Jesus’ Father. They are given the adopting Spirit, the Spirit of the Son, so that now they can call the Father of the Lord Jesus, their father.

This means they are adopted into his family.  They are made part of his household. His church, that means. The church is the family of the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are that family here at Christ the King.

And we have much to praise the Father for. He has worked, and is working, so wonderfully among us. He keeps on blessing and guiding and showing us such great mercy and kindness.

And he helps the fathers. He shows us what a father is like. Fatherhood and motherhood come from him. He is the one who loves and nurtures and guides his people. From him we learn how to love and nurture and guide. And from him we learn that being a father or a mother is a great and divine gift.

How much does he bless us by placing us in families. How much does he bless us by giving us families. How much does he bless us by placing us in his very own family where he lives. We are always at home with our Father. Together we can speak as a family to “Our Father”.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

