
It is certain that God does answer prayer. At least the kind of prayers that he urges us to pray in order to extend his kingly rule in the lives of the people of Perth. And if this is the case, there is good reason to keep on praying.

Because this is God’s world. It is Jesus’ church. We have been caught up in the mission of God in his world. He is the Organiser, the Director, and the Supplier. So when the agents on the ground need help, or reinforcements, or extra supplies, he is the one to sort it out. It is his Mission.

So we should keep on asking for help: for boldness, for words to say, for opportunities, for people we know and meet, for whatever is needed to do the job, for money and health to do the mission.

And more and more we will be able to keep on saying, “It’s an answer to prayer.”

