
He has had quite a lot to say. Millions of words probably. Some of it very exciting and fascinating. Some of it a bit puzzling to be honest. Most of it quite clear.

It is a wonderful thing to have a talking God who wants us to know him. You don’t have to try to squeeze information out of him. He has volunteered an enormous amount about himself. This is because he has invented friendship and love. And he has provided speech as one of the main ways of strengthening friendships.

But getting to know God as our friend does take time. The friendship starts by believing in him, and by him removing our sins so that we can be friends. It means we have decided to adopt his way of life and believe what he tells us.

And then it starts. Listening to him. Understanding bit by bit what he is like. Trying out, bit by bit, his way of life. Talking back, saying thank you, asking for help, being appreciative. The more we come to know him, the more we become like him. The more we start talking like him.

How long does it take? All our life. Day by day. Listening, talking, understanding, doing.

