He specialises in Downsizes. His big offer is really a demand: Start with the crucified Lord of the universe. Come to terms with a God who takes humanity to himself in order to kill it off and then raise it up as a new version altogether.

Connect yourself to your crucified representative. Start by bringing your self-focussed life to an end. Then trust Christ to live his life through you. Then you will really have God. Or God will really have you, which is a much better way to see it.

Then the “everything” you may have had before will be seen for what it was. A distraction and hindrance. Having Downsized to merely God on his own, you find that that is the same as God and everything that you need.

Downsizing by getting rid of our own self-focussed ambitions, wants and pride is the beginning of a truly Upsized life. It begins by a change of mind about what is true and who is God. It continues with a willing obedience to the God who rules the world. It develops with the pardon of that God. It deepens with the wonder that God himself sent his Son to take the blame for us and to die our death for us. It speeds up with the presence of God himself enlivening us and keeping company with us.

