
For some of us the things we experienced were very hurtful. We may have hoped that the hurt would subside, but it hasn’t. We may have forgiven others who were involved, but feelings of anger or resentment or disappointment or anxiety keep coming to the surface.

The result of all this is that we are far from being free to serve others let alone God.

But help is available. God can bring his healing grace to bear on these kinds of hurts and coping decisions and feeling reactions. It is my personal experience, both as a sufferer and as a minister of healing that God is able to bring about wonderful healing and new freedom for all sorts of people.

Many years of Prayer Ministry have shown me how good God is and how powerful is his Word and Spirit when they are applied to the hurts and bondages that people find themselves in. Something amazing happens when the Lord lifts burdens, heals hurts, gives grace to change old habits, and forgives sins.

Such Prayer Ministry does take some time. It can’t be done in half an hour. But it is wonderfully gracious. God uses it to set people free to love him and to serve him in new ways. In a new freedom.

Please talk to me if you would like to know more, and especially if you think this may be a blessing to you.

