Well, the Spirit hasn’t disappeared. He is still being poured out on every believer. Still working through them to speak the Father’s words. Still doing the Father’s works through them. Still keeping them in touch with the Father and the Son.

So much for knowing things about the Holy Spirit. Do we need to know him? Silly question. Do we know him? Slightly better question. How well do we know him. Better question. How do we know him?

We know him spiritually. He speaks to our spirit, we as we are in ourselves, into our inner being, and assures us that we are God’s children. We know him to as the one who speaks into our hearts and minds through scripture. Who brings the writings to life and changes us. Who leads us to repent, and fills us with joy and wonder.

How do we know the Spirit lives in us? Because he is changing us to be like Jesus. Because the fruit that resembles God’s character is gradually being formed in us. Because he brings gracious gifts from God to enable us to do the work of the Father: bringing the gospel to others, building up the body of Christ.

The Spirit helps us pray, helps us praise, give thanks, rejoice, persist, helps us show patience, perseverance, love. Helps us speak. Above all, helps us love and obey the Father and the Son.

